viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2009

Cómo hacerse millonaria en 10 pasos, por Mariví Fernández Palacios


Foto de archivo de Belén Esteban.

Foto de archivo de Belén Esteban.

Belén Esteban ha alcanzado una categoría televisiva de tal envergadura que sólo Susan Boyle podría hacerle sombraen un hipotético duelo mediático, ya que las dos son especialistas en batir récords cuando se ponen delante de una cámara.

La última proeza de la Boyle ha sido llegar al número 1 de las listas en Estados Unidos, dos meses antes de que su primer disco salga a la venta, gracias a las reservas que han llegado a Amazon, la tienda más espectacular de Internet. Yo me pregunto: ¿Qué espera Belén para poner a la venta una colección de 10 DVDs con sus mejores apariciones en TV más un DVD inédito de sus peleas con Fran?

¡Qué notición para sus fans que podrían disfrutarlos en las cenas con amigos!


Sólo con ver a Norma Duval en 'Hola' confirmando el divorcio de José Frade, se comprueba que se ha quitado un gran peso de encima. Se deduce por los ocho kilos que ha perdido, los 50 centímetros que tiene cintura y los milímetros que le faltan a su nariz.

Conclusión: Norma es una mujer de "armas tomar" y aunque ha intentado utilizar sus "armas de mujer" para convertir a su marido en otra persona, ha tirado la toalla y vuelve a ganar su propio dinero para gastarlo como crea conveniente. Norma dice que su etapa como "vedette" ha concluido, pero se ve con futuro en el mundo publicitario. Yo la elegiría para una campaña, algo como "divorciarte y ponerte como una rosa".

La primera en seguir sus consejos debería ser Carolina de Mónaco, a la que se ve asolada por el vendaval Hannover.

El cantante David Bisbal. | Efe

El cantante David Bisbal. | Efe


Dos semanas después de que Bisbal declarase en México que "no estaba preparado para ser padre", ha anunciado en su web que Elena Tablada está embarazada y serán padres la próxima primavera. ¿A qué juega? o ¿es que su novia le dio la feliz noticia horas antes de iniciar la promoción de su nuevo disco?

Suena a sorpresa porque su agenda está repleta de compromisos en los próximos meses. Después de presentar y publicar 'Sin mirar atrás', iniciará una gira en el 2010 por España, Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica, pero ya se sabe... el hombre propone y la cigüeña dispone.

Bisbal está muy contento y volará desde donde se encuentre para ver nacer a su hijo/a. Mientras se declara a todas horas "esclavo de tus besos", Elena prepara la canastilla en Miami.


Existen tres Príncipes Enrique. El primero aparece en la web oficial de su padre, hablando en Nueva York como copresidente de la Fundación Sentebale que acoge a 450 huérfanos enfermos de Sida. El segundo se prepara para ser piloto de helicópteros de la RAF; y el tercero es el más popular por sus juergas, sus excesos y su falta de tacto.

La actriz Goya Toledo a su llegada a San Sebastián. | Efe

La actriz Goya Toledo a su llegada a San Sebastián. | Efe

No sé cual de los tres se hará cargo de los 7,4 millones de euros que ha heredado de su madre al cumplir 25 años el pasado martes, pero, si hacemos caso a su portavoz, su vida no debería cambiar. De momento piensa mudarse a Middle Wallop en Hampshire -a una hora de Londres- que es donde vive Chelsy Davy, la joven con la que ha vuelto después de ocho meses.

Tanto Enrique como su hermano han recuperado sus primeras novias porque no quieren cometer el error de su padre, que esperó treinta años para casarse con Camila.


La fiebre del comunicado es tan grande que ya se redactan ante cualquier excusa. Goya Toledo ha salido al paso deuna posible reconciliación con Olivier Martínez para dejar claro que sus encuentros se deben a proyectos profesionales .

A Goya se le nota que es amiga de Penélope, que recurre a este sistema si algo le molesta. No ha sido así con su posible embarazo porque le divertían los comentarios hasta que decidió ajustarse la cintura en el Festival de Toronto.

También está interesada en aclarar el enredo Elsa Pataki, que había encontrado en Olivier Martínez un excelente recambio tras su silenciosa ruptura con Brody.

Barack Obama: 'Agradezco la presencia de la Infanta Cristina'... y ella no estaba

Los Duques de Palma, la Infanta Cristina e Iñaki Urdangarín, no asistieron a la cena anual del Instituto del Grupo Legislativo Hispano del Congreso (CHCI), en la que el presidente de EEUU, Barak Obama, agradeció su presencia, informó un portavoz de la Casa del Rey.

Barack Obama durante la cena en el Instituto de la Camarilla Hispánica del Congreso. | Efe

En la lista de invitados de los organizadores del evento, celebrado en Washington, figuraban los nombres de los Duques de Palma y Obama, en sus palabras ante más de dos mil invitados, citó a la hija menor de los Reyes de España.

"Quiero agradecer la presencia de su Alteza Real, la Infanta Cristina de España, quien está aquí", afirmó Obama entre aplausos de los invitados.

Un portavoz del grupo hispano del Congreso de EEUU, organizador del acto, reconoció que "se cometió un error en la lista de invitados ilustres" que se había enviado a la Casa Blanca.

"Los Duques de Palma estaban invitados, pero no llegaron", señaló Scott Gunderson.

El evento reunió a miembros del Congreso y del cuerpo diplomático, así como a líderes comunitarios y empresariales, en el marco del Mes de la Herencia Hispana, que EEUU celebra cada año del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre.

Los Duques de Palma y sus cuatro hijos Juan, Pablo Nicolás, Miguel e Irene, residen desde el pasado verano en Washington, donde el marido de la Infanta es presidente de la Comisión de Asuntos Públicos de Telefónica Latinoamérica.

Efe | Madrid

White House Scraps Bush’s Approach to Missile Shield (President Obama scrapped his predecessor’s proposed antiballistic missile shield in Eastern Europe) By PETER BAKER

WASHINGTON — President Obama scrapped his predecessor's proposed antiballistic missile shield in Eastern Europe on Thursday and ordered instead the development of a reconfigured system designed to shoot down short- and medium-range Iranian missiles.

In one of the biggest national security reversals of his young presidency, Mr. Obama canceled former President George W. Bush's plans to station a radar facility in the Czech Republic and 10 ground-based interceptors in Poland. Instead, he plans to deploy smaller SM-3 interceptors by 2011, first aboard ships and later in Europe, possibly even in Poland or the Czech Republic.

President Barack Obama spoke about the missile shield at the White House on Thursday.
Luke Sharrett/The New York Times

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates with Gen. James E. Cartwright, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at a briefing at the Pentagon on Thursday.

Mr. Obama said that the new system "will provide stronger, smarter and swifter defenses of American forces and America's allies" to meet a changing threat from Iran. Administration officials cited what they called accumulating evidence that Iran had made more progress than anticipated in building short- and medium-range missiles that could threaten Israel and Europe than it had in developing the intercontinental missiles that the Bush system was more suited to counter.

But the decision churned domestic and international politics as Republican critics at home accused Mr. Obama of betraying allies and caving in to Russian pressure, while officials in Eastern Europe expressed discomfort and confusion at the dramatic shift. President Dmitri A. Medvedev of Russia, who is to meet with Mr. Obama in New York next week, reacted cautiously as Moscow tried to determine whether the new system was less threatening to its own security.

Mr. Obama's transformation of the missile defense program is one of his administration's sharpest revisions of the national security policy he inherited from Mr. Bush. At the same time, he resisted pressure from liberals in his party to eliminate the program altogether and he produced an alternative that effectively guaranteed that the United States would deploy some form of European antimissile shield in the near future.

"President Bush was right that Iran's ballistic missile program poses a significant threat," Mr. Obama said. But he said the new assessment of the Iranian threat required a different system using existing technology. "This new approach will provide capabilities sooner, build on proven systems and offer greater defenses against the threat of missile attack than the 2007 European missile defense program," he said.

The White House adamantly denied that its decision had anything to do with Russian objections to Mr. Bush's program and said that the United States would continue developing the larger interceptors in case it eventually needed to deploy them. The administration also scrambled to reassure Poland and the Czech Republic that it was not abandoning them.

Mr. Obama called the leaders of both nations to reaffirm what he called "our deep and close ties," and publicly reiterated America's commitment under Article 5 of the NATO treaty to come to their defense in the event of an attack. Aides said that Mr. Obama would keep Mr. Bush's promise to provide a Patriot antimissile battery to Poland.

Yet even as it sought to calm Warsaw and Prague, the administration hoped to use the policy change to mitigate Israel's desire to take military action against Iran's nuclear complexes as Iran comes closer to building a warhead and mounting it on a missile. "We hope that it will reassure them that perhaps there's a little more time here," Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said of the Israelis.

The decision drew immediate Republican criticism. "Scrapping the U.S. missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic does little more than empower Russia and Iran at the expense of our allies in Europe," said Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, the House Republican leader. "It shows a willful determination to continue ignoring the threat posed by some of the most dangerous regimes in the world."

Eric S. Edelman, the under secretary of defense under Mr. Bush, said in an interview that the decision had "good news and bad news."

"It's better, obviously, to have some missile defense capability there now," he said. But he said the move would "raise questions" about American commitments and make it harder for the United States to change course if Iran later developed longer-range missiles. "There are going to be enormous repercussions to this decision that will ripple out," he said.

Mr. Obama stressed that Mr. Gates and the Joint Chiefs of Staff supported the decision, and he sent Mr. Gates, a Republican first appointed by Mr. Bush, to discuss the decision with reporters. Mr. Gates said that the new system would put defenses in place seven years earlier than the Bush plan. While no longer deploying the original interceptors in Poland, the United States "would prefer to put the SM-3s in Poland," Mr. Gates said.

"Those who say we are scrapping missile defense in Europe are either misinformed or misrepresenting the reality of what we are doing," Mr. Gates said. He added that the new configuration "provides a better missile defense capability" for Europe and American forces "than the program I recommended almost three years ago."

Mr. Gates and other officials said Iran was moving quickly toward a workable arsenal of missiles that could strike Israel and Europe. In May, Iran launched the Sejil-2, a successful test of a two-stage solid-fuel missile with an estimated range of 1,200 miles. Unlike Iran's liquid-fuel missiles, a solid-fuel missile can be stored, moved and fired on shorter notice, and thus is considered a greater threat.

The administration's new four-phase plan would deploy existing SM-3 interceptors using the sea-based Aegis system in 2011, then deploy an improved version in 2015 both on ships and on land. Rather than the 10 bigger interceptors originally envisioned for Poland, there could be 40 to 50 of the smaller missiles on land by then and more on ships. A more advanced version would be deployed in 2018 and yet another generation in 2020, the latter with more capacity to counter intercontinental missiles.

The interceptors Mr. Bush wanted to put in Poland would not have been deployed until 2018, officials said. The SM-3 missiles have had eight successful tests so far, and were used to shoot down a satellite, although critics said the missiles have not had to cope with the sort of decoys enemies might use. Instead of the sophisticated radar proposed for the Czech Republic, officials said they would rely more on a limited version in Turkey or the Caucasus, as well as satellites and newly developed airborne sensors.

In Moscow, Mr. Medvedev offered a measured reaction. "We appreciate the responsible approach of the U.S. president toward implementing our agreements," he said on national television. "I am prepared to continue this dialogue."

Peter Baker reported from Washington and Nicholas Kulish from Berlin. Judy Dempsey contributed reporting from Berlin, and Clifford J. Levy from Moscow.

MF/News: Mary Travers of Peter, Paul and Mary Dies at 72, By WILLIAM GRIMES

Mary Travers, whose ringing, earnest vocals with the folk trio Peter, Paul and Mary made songs like "Blowin' in the Wind," "If I Had a Hammer" and "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" enduring anthems of the 1960s protest movement, died on Wednesday at Danbury Hospital in Connecticut. She was 72 and lived in Redding, Conn.

The cause was complications from chemotherapy associated with a bone-marrow transplant she had several years ago after developing leukemia, said Heather Lylis, a spokeswoman.

Ms. Travers brought a powerful voice and an unfeigned urgency to music that resonated with mainstream listeners. With her straight blond hair and willowy figure and two bearded guitar players by her side, she looked exactly like what she was, a Greenwich Villager directly from the clubs and the coffeehouses that nourished the folk-music revival.

"She was obviously the sex appeal of that group, and that group was the sex appeal of the movement," said Elijah Wald, a folk-blues musician and a historian of popular music.

Ms. Travers's voice blended seamlessly with those of her colleagues, Peter Yarrow and Paul Stookey, to create a rich three-part harmony that propelled the group to the top of the pop charts. Their first album, "Peter, Paul and Mary," which featured the hit singles "Lemon Tree" and "If I Had a Hammer," reached No. 1 shortly after its release in March 1962 and stayed there for seven weeks, eventually selling more than two million copies.

The group's interpretations of Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind" and "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right" translated his raw vocal style into a smooth, more commercially acceptable sound. The singers also scored big hits with pleasing songs like the whimsical "Puff the Magic Dragon" and John Denver's plaintive "Leaving on a Jet Plane."

Their sound may have been commercial and safe, but early on their politics were somewhat risky for a group courting a mass audience. Like Mr. Yarrow and Mr. Stookey, Ms. Travers was outspoken in her support for the civil-rights and antiwar movements, in sharp contrast to clean-cut folk groups like the Kingston Trio, which avoided making political statements.

Peter, Paul and Mary went on to perform at the 1963 March on Washington and joined the voting-rights marches from Selma to Montgomery, Ala., in 1965.

Over the years they performed frequently at political rallies and demonstrations in the United States and abroad. After the group disbanded, in 1970, Ms. Travers continued to perform at political events around the world as she pursued a solo career.

"They made folk music not just palatable but accessible to a mass audience," David Hajdu, the author of "Positively Fourth Street," a book about Mr. Dylan, Joan Baez and their circle, said in an interview. Ms. Travers, he added, was crucial to the group's image, which had a lot to do with its appeal. "She had a kind of sexual confidence combined with intelligence, edginess and social consciousness — a potent combination," he said. "If you look at clips of their performances, the camera fixates on her. The act was all about Mary."

Mr. Yarrow, in a statement on Wednesday, described Ms. Travers's singing style as an expression of her character: "honest and completely authentic."

Mr. Stookey, in an accompanying statement, wrote that "her charisma was a barely contained nervous energy — occasionally (and then only privately) revealed as stage fright."

Mary Allin Travers was born on Nov. 9, 1936, in Louisville, Ky. When she was 2 her parents, both writers, moved to New York. Almost unique among the folk musicians who emerged from the Greenwich Village scene in the early 1960s, Ms. Travers actually came from the neighborhood. She attended progressive private schools there, studied singing with the music teacher Charity Bailey while still in kindergarten and became part of the folk-music revival as it took shape around her.

"I was raised on Josh White, the Weavers and Pete Seeger," Ms. Travers told The New York Times in 1994. "The music was everywhere. You'd go to a party at somebody's apartment and there would be 50 people there, singing well into the night."

While at Elisabeth Irwin High School, she joined the Song Swappers, which sang backup for Mr. Seeger when the Folkways label reissued a collection of union songs under the title "Talking Union" in 1955. The Song Swappers made three more albums for Folkways that year, all featuring Mr. Seeger to some degree.

Ms. Travers had no plans to sing professionally. Folk singing, she later said, had been a hobby. At New York clubs friends like Fred Hellerman of the Weavers and Theodore Bikel would coax her onstage to sing, but her extreme shyness made performing difficult. In 1958 she appeared in the chorus and sang one solo number in Mort Sahl's short-lived Broadway show "The Next President," but as the '60s dawned she found herself at loose ends.

By chance, Albert Grossman, who managed a struggling folk singer named Peter Yarrow and would later take on Mr. Dylan as a client, was intent on creating an updated version of the Weavers for the baby-boom generation. He envisioned two men and a woman with the crossover appeal of the Kingston Trio. Mr. Yarrow, talking to Grossman in the Folklore Center in Greenwich Village, noticed Ms. Travers's photograph on the wall and asked who she was. "That's Mary Travers," Grossman said. "She'd be good if you could get her to work."

Mr. Yarrow went to Ms. Travers's apartment on Macdougal Street, across from the Gaslight, one of the principal folk clubs. They harmonized on "Miner's Lifeguard," a union song, and decided that their voices blended. To fill out the trio, Ms. Travers suggested Noel Stookey, a friend doing folk music and stand-up comedy at the Gaslight.

After rehearsing for seven months, with the producer and arranger Milt Okun coaching them, Peter, Paul and Mary — Mr. Stookey adopted his middle name, Paul, because it sounded better — began performing in 1961 at Folk City and the Bitter End. The next year they released their first album.

Virtually overnight Peter, Paul and Mary became one of the most popular folk-music groups in the world. The albums "Moving" and "In the Wind," both released in 1963, rose to the top of the charts and stayed there for months. In concert the group's direct, emotional style of performance lifted audiences to their feet to deliver rapturous ovations.

Ms. Travers, onstage, drew all eyes as she shook her hair, bobbed her head in time to the music and clenched a fist when the lyrics took a dramatic turn. On instructions from Grossman, who wanted her to retain an air of mystery, she never spoke. The live double album "In Concert" (1964) captures the fervor of their performances.

On television the group's mildly bohemian look — Ms. Travers favored beatnik clothing and Mr. Yarrow and Mr. Stookey had mustaches and goatees — gave mainstream audiences their first glimpse of a subculture that had previously been ridiculed on shows like "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis."

"You cannot overemphasize those beards," Mr. Wald said. "They looked like Greenwich Village to the rest of America. They were the first to go mainstream with an artistic, intellectual, beat image."

Although the arrival of the Beatles and other British invasion bands spelled the end of the folk revival, Peter, Paul and Mary remained popular throughout the 1960s. The albums "A Song Will Rise" (1965), "See What Tomorrow Brings" (1965) and "Album 1700" (1967) sold well, as did the singles "For Lovin' Me" and "Early Morning Rain," both by Gordon Lightfoot, and Mr. Dylan's "When the Ship Comes In." The gently satirical single "I Dig Rock and Roll Music" (1967) reached the Top 10, and "Leaving on a Jet Plane" (1969), their last hit, reached No. 1 on the charts.

In 1970, after releasing the greatest-hits album "Ten Years Together," the group disbanded. Ms. Travers embarked on a solo career, with limited success, releasing five albums in the 1970s. The first, "Mary" (1971), was the most successful, followed by "Morning Glory" (1972), "All My Choices" (1973), "Circles" (1974) and "It's in Everyone of Us" (1978).

Ms. Travers's first three marriages ended in divorce. She is survived by her fourth husband, Ethan Robbins; two daughters, Erika Marshall of Naples, Fla., and Alicia Travers of Greenwich, Conn.; a sister, Ann Gordon of Oakland, Calif.; and two grandchildren.

Peter, Paul and Mary reunited to perform at a benefit to oppose nuclear power in 1978 and thereafter kept to a limited schedule of tours around the world. Many of their concerts benefited political causes. "I was raised to believe that everybody has a responsibility to their community and I use the word very loosely," Ms. Travers told The Times in 1999. "It's a big community. If I get recognized in the middle of the Sinai Desert I have a big community."

It was a faithful community. Musical fashions changed, but fans stayed loyal to the music and the political ideals of the group. Ms. Travers once told the music magazine Goldmine, "People say to us, 'Oh, I grew up with your music,' and we often say, sotto voce, 'So did we.' "

Foto/Pics: "Sexy Bomb" Megan Fox incanta Los Angeles

{B}"Bomba" Fox, Megan incanta Los Angeles{/B}

{B}"Bomba" Fox, Megan incanta Los Angeles{/B}

{B}"Bomba" Fox, Megan incanta Los Angeles{/B}

{B}"Bomba" Fox, Megan incanta Los Angeles{/B}

miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009

Scudo fiscale più facile nei Paesi extra Ue - Lo scudo fiscale "non comporta la regolarizzazione degli illeciti di qualsiasi altra natura

Lo scudo fiscale "non comporta la regolarizzazione degli illeciti di qualsiasi altra natura: restano fermi i presidi ordinamentali e le relative sanzioni contenute nella disciplina dell'antiriciclaggio, nonché in materia di reati, ad eccezione di quelli legati all'infedele o all'omessa dichiarazione dei redditi". Lo ha chiarito l'Agenzia delle Entrate nella bozza di circolare con le istruzioni sull'utilizzo dello scudo fiscale. Il chiarimento era atteso dai professionisti e dagli interessati in quanto l'obbligo di comunicazione all'antiriciclaggio di operazioni sospette non era previsto nelle precedenti manovre di rientro dei capitali.

Il rimpatrio dai paesi extra Ue
La circolare chiarisce inoltre che la regolarizzazione di capitali, senza l'obbligo di rimpatrio fisico, è possibile anche per i Paesi extra Ue "qualora sia rispettata la condizione che vi sia un effettivo scambio di informazioni". L'Agenzia delle Entrate ha tenuto conto delle disposizioni comunitarie che vietano qualsiasi restrizione ai movimenti di capitale non solo tra Stati membri. Per quanto riguarda i Paesi dell'Ue "si considera in ogni caso sussistente il requisito dell'effettività dello scambio d'informazioni", mentre "deve essere verificato per quelli aderenti allo Spazio Economico Europeo (SEE)". Attualmente, tra questi rispettano il requisito solo Norvegia e Islanda. Per Liechtenstein, Svizzera, Montecarlo e San Marino é consentito solo il rimpatrio.

Per rimpatriare o regolarizzare attività illegalmente detenute all'estero l'imposta dovuta «è pari al 5% delle attività finanziarie indicate nella dichiarazione riservata».
«Si tratta di una presunzione assoluta - sottolinea l'Agenzia riferendosi ai costi fiscali dell'operazione, ovvero il 50% del rendimento del 2% annuo per i precedenti 5 anni - che non tiene contro del periodo di effettiva detenzione all'estero delle attività che si intende rimpatriare o regolarizzare nè del reale rendimento conseguito». Questa affermazione escluderebbe dunque un'aliquota più bassa per capitali detenuti da meno tempo rispetto ai cinque anni indicati dalla norma.

15 settembre 2009

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2009

Fare sesso in Italia: Ecco le più belle bambole sessuali di silicone, "androgine e accoglienti" - Colori bianco, rosso e nero

Bianco, rosso e nero: tre colori bastano a Gabriele Corni a raccontare le sue donne "Adoperabili", bambole sessuali di silicone. Uno sfondo anestetizzato che indirizza l'occhio dello spettatore sui dettagli anatomici, mantenendo lo stereotipo che vuole la donna semplicemente come un oggetto. Le fotografie di Corni sono esposte dal 18 settembre al 31 ottobre alla galleria Oltre Dimore di Bologna.

Di Gabriele Corni

The 2009 Inc. 5000: A Window on the American Economy - The Inc. 500|5000 is ranked according to percentage revenue growth from 2005 through 2008.

Rank NameCity StateIndustry RevenueGrowth
1Northern Capital InsuranceMiamiFLInsurance$95.0 million 19,812.2%
2National Retirement PartnersSan Juan CapistranoCAFinancial Services $47.4 million13,416.4%
3Harley StanfieldWashingtonDCReal Estate$38.4 million 13,350.4%
4Perfect FitnessMill ValleyCAConsumer Products & Services $63.5 million12,749.3%
5IntegraClickSarasotaFLAdvertising & Marketing$96.4 million 12,654.4%
6Kiva SystemsWoburnMALogistics & Transportation $21.4 million10,399.0%
7Freedom HealthTampaFLInsurance$182.8 million 10,035.3%
8One TechnologiesDallasTXAdvertising & Marketing $50.7 million9,946.4%
9MediaTrustNew YorkNYAdvertising & Marketing$38.3 million 9,481.1%
10Criterion SystemsViennaVAGovernment Services $20.3 million8,433.6%
11ProKarmaBeavertonORIT Services$47.3 million 8,311.4%
12Canopy FinancialSan FranciscoCASoftware $19.8 million7,929.1%
13MedVantxSan DiegoCAHealth$36.6 million 7,898.5%
14SkullcandyPark CityUTConsumer Products & Services $85.5 million6,251.6%
15CenturiaDullesVAGovernment Services$21.0 million 5,968.8%
16Snap FitnessChanhassenMNHealth$31.7 million 5,906.8%
17P3SSan AntonioTXGovernment Services$13.5 million 5,898.4%
18MonaVieSouth JordanUTFood & Beverage $854.9 million5,883.0%
19ITA InternationalYorktownVAGovernment Services$12.0 million 5,778.9%
20Working Media GroupNew YorkNYAdvertising & Marketing $12.3 million4,782.4%
21Blue Entertainment Sports TelevisionLouisvilleKYMedia $22.9 million4,685.3%
22vAutoOak BrookILSoftware$15.6 million 4,659.9%
23BancVueAustinTXFinancial Services$21.9 million 4,645.5%
24InsuranceAgents.comColumbusOHInsurance$11.8 million 4,582.2%
25Ahura ScientificWilmingtonMASecurity$46.2 million 4,564.8%
26Ruckus WirelessSunnyvaleCATelecommunications $32.9 million4,540.1%
27SDV SolutionsToanoVAGovernment Services$11.1 million 4,345.6%
28SFPLeawoodKSManufacturing$33.4 million 4,321.3%
29iCore NetworksMcLeanVATelecommunications$17.0 million 3,924.0%
30StarTex PowerHoustonTXEnergy$187.5 million 3,794.3%
31FedStoreRockvilleMDGovernment Services$28.6 million 3,748.8%
32ID ExpertsBeavertonORSecurity$8.2 million 3,632.9%
33ARK SolutionsChantillyVAIT Services$8.6 million 3,537.4%
34Revel ConsultingKirklandWABusiness Products & Services $13.2 million3,531.2%
35Diapers.comMontclairNJRetail$89.4 million 3,473.8%
36ICSViennaVAIT Services$7.4 million 3,431.0%
37GourmetGiftBaskets.comManchesterNHFood & Beverage $8.5 million3,260.5%
38Oil Chem TechnologiesSugar LandTXEnergy $10.4 million3,251.7%
39ReachLocalWoodland HillsCAAdvertising & Marketing $146.8 million3,217.2%
40mSpotPalo AltoCAConsumer Products & Services $14.5 million3,189.4%
41Xtreme Consulting GroupRedmondWABusiness Products & Services $21.5 million3,092.5%
42Nutricap LabsFarmingdaleNYHealth$16.3 million 2,899.7%
43FTENNew YorkNYSoftware$12.1 million 2,863.7%
44EnalasysCalexicoCAEnergy$25.9 million 2,813.7%
45HMS TechnologiesMartinsburgWVGovernment Services$22.6 million 2,750.8%
46Royal Buying GroupLisleILConsumer Products & Services $167.4 million2,748.4%
47Service FinancialWhitefish BayWIFinancial Services$19.9 million 2,706.2%
48Aqua SuperstorePort CharlotteFLRetail$7.5 million 2,694.6%
49Echo Global LogisticsChicagoILLogistics & Transportation $202.6 million2,667.0%
50Bridgepoint Education
San DiegoCAEducation$218.3 million2,645.4%

What Is Socialism in 2009? - It seems that whatever President Obama talks about — Whether it’s overhauling health care, or regulating Wall Street, or telling schoolchildren to study hard

Michael Reynolds/European Pressphoto Agency Thousands protesting on Sept. 12 in Washington against President Obama's health care proposals.

It seems that whatever President Obama talks about — whether it's overhauling health care, or regulating Wall Street, or telling schoolchildren to study hard — his opponents have called him a socialist. "Socialism" was an epithet on many placards at protests in Washington over the weekend. What does the word mean today, nearly 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall? What role has the label played in American political history?

Stoking Irrational Fears

Katrina vanden Heuvel is editor of The Nation, which published a forum in March called "Reimagining Socialism" with Barbara Ehrenreich and others.

When any American reform leader takes on the status quo, he or she confronts a ferocious, well-organized and reactionary opposition. Is it any surprise that right wing groups now compare President Obama to Hitler and liken his pragmatic health care reform to socialism?

It's offensive and troubling. But it's worth invoking history and remembering that Franklin Delano Roosevelt confronted the American Liberty League which called him a socialist and a communist. And he faced down Father Coughlin, the demagogic priest who was a cross between Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh in a Roman collar.

Social democracy is about government having a role in improving people's lives –as it does with Medicare.

History again: the rabid protesters calling President Obama a socialist are representatives of a long national tradition which features an irrational and well-stoked fear of a strong central government. (Mr. Obama has found it more difficult to turn away from the fanatical right than his reform predecessors partly because conservative ideology has been in the saddle for three decades and the recession began too late in the Bush administration to sufficiently discredit its free-market fundamentalism and those who still speak on its behalf.)

Mr. Obama himself acknowledged parallels with previous battles for reform. He said last month, "These struggles always boil down to a contest between hope and fear. That was true in the debate over social security, when F.D.R. was accused of being a socialist. That was true when L.B.J. tried to pass Medicare. And it's true in this debate today."

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Conservative Principles and Anxieties

Andrew Hartman is an assistant professor of history at Illinois State University. He is the author of "Education and the Cold War: The Battle for the American School," and is currently researching a book on the culture wars.

Recent denunciations of Obama's proposed health-care plan as "socialist" have taken some observers by surprise, especially since the foreign threat of socialism receded two decades ago when the Soviet Union imploded. But, as historians should know, the degree to which conservatives invoke the specter of socialism has always been more calibrated to domestic anxieties than to foreign threats.

"Socialism" as a stand-in for modern threats, from feminism to federal health care.

Elizabeth Dilling's 1934 catalogue, "The Red Network: A 'Who's Who' and Handbook of Radicalism for Patriots," serves as an instructive prototype. Many of those listed were never members of the Communist or socialist parties, yet made their way onto a list of people who composed "the Communist-Socialist world conspiracy." The list included Eleanor Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, John Dewey and Jane Addams.

What did they do to merit being labeled socialist? In various ways, they represented the changes of the 20th century: feminism, civil rights, decolonization, relativism and progressive education. For people like Dilling, "socialism" became a stand-in for these modern threats to tradition. Obama and universal health care represent something similar in 2009.

This is not to say that all or even most of the recent howls about socialism are rooted in unconscious anxieties about modernity. For many, the label serves as an effective, if cynical sledgehammer. In a nation with a long history of anti-socialist sentiments, if health care reform can be associated with "socialism," that's good strategy.

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Socialists as Patriots

Terence Ball is professor of political science at Arizona State University. He is co-author (with Richard Dagger) of "Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal" and co-editor (with Richard Bellamy) of "The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought," among other books.

Why are some — mostly older, overwhelmingly white — Americans so afraid of "socialism" and, by extension, "socialized medicine"? One explanation is that they don't actually know what socialism is, namely the public ownership and/or control of the major means of production (mines, mills, factories,
etc.) for the benefit of the public at large. Another is that many older Americans have vivid memories of the cold war and the dreaded U.S.S.R. (the second S standing for "socialist").

It's miraculous that Medicare got through Congress at the height of the cold war.

In hindsight it seems strange and almost miraculous that at the height of the cold war a limited form of socialized medicine —  Medicare — got through the Congress over the objections of the American Medical Association and the insurance industry, and made it to President Johnson's desk. (These special interests won't make that mistake again: they now have a veritable army of lobbyists assaulting Capitol Hill and every congressman there.)

But now the cold war is over. For those in their 20s and 30s, the cold war might as well be ancient history.

To many Americans "socialism" may sound vaguely "foreign" and "un-American." Those at rallies protesting health reform now may be surprised to know that "socialism" and "socialist" have a long history in American political thought and that those terms weren't always terms of censure.

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In the Eye of the Beholder

Steven F. Hayward is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and author of "The Age of Reagan: The Conservative Counter-Revolution, 1980-1989."

There is a famous anecdote about the very first meeting in 1947 of the Mont Pelerin Society, the organization founded by Milton Friedman, F.A. Hayek, Ludwig von Mises and other famous free marketers who later won Nobel prizes and inspired Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, among others. The story goes that von Mises stormed out of one session declaring, "You're all a bunch of socialists!"

Margaret Thatcher effectively campaigned against "socialism" in Britain, even though it wasn't really socialism then, either.

None of the oral traditions recall what heresy prompted this extremely prejudicial accusation, for surely no one in that circle was actually advocating genuine socialism. Maybe Friedman wavered on whether there should be any public welfare provisions in the ideal free market state.

But that story has come back to me as I listen to the commotion about people calling Barack Obama a socialist. If we understand socialism in its strict definition — central economic planning and public ownership of the means of production — then the president is obviously not a socialist (with a mild caveat for the auto bailouts, the banks, etc).

But if we step back a moment and consider "socialism" more broadly as a step increase in political control of or intervention in the economy — whether it be through a revival of Keynesian-style stimulus and things like "cash for clunkers" subsidies, or through a government semi-takeover of the health care sector — then the charge appears more salient.

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Fearing More Intrusions

Charles W. Dunn, dean of the School of Government at Regent University, served as chairman and vice chairman of the United States J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board under Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. He is the author of many books, including "The Enduring Reagan" and "The Future of Conservatism."

Conservatives argue that liberals through the New Deal, Fair Deal, New Frontier and Great Society have changed America from a responsibility-based society to a rights-based society. Where once the family, neighborhoods, churches and local communities solved problems at the local level, now the central government plays a far greater role.

Battles against the Great Society never spilled into the streets, but today people are fighting rising socialist intrusions.

Conservatives see President Obama's policy proposals as unwarranted extensions of government into the lives of individual citizens, creating greater citizen dependence on the government rather than fostering increased citizen independence and personal responsibility. The result: conservatives fear the loss of their historic liberties.

Because President Obama's health-care proposal is the crown jewel of his agenda, conservatives have seized the moment to stem the tide of increased government control over American society and the economy. They view this as a now-or-never, do-or-die battle. Since the New Deal, the battles over socialist or government intrusions into the lives of Americans have escalated, but now the fight is more intense than ever before.

Great Society battles over Medicare and Medicaid never spilled over into the streets, but today Americans have taken to the streets to fight against government intrusions into their lives, which they consider socialism.

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By The Editors

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